Small Business Support

Do you ever wish you had someone you could ask to take a peek at your business, and pick two tasks to take off your hands? Three tasks…maybe four…Imagine having expertise you could call upon, for just a couple of hours, or a week. What if you had someone you could trust, who could run that project? Investigate that challenge? Set up a performance evaluation framework?

Bloom is made up of people who have worked both in, and on small businesses. We’ve helped scale up, scale down, introduce change, do reviews, and test ideas. We’ve analysed issues and come up with people-focused solutions which also serve business needs. 

We’ve developed slimline frameworks and supportive and flexible templates to help with a range of challenges developing  businesses face, from creating leave policies, to untangling behavioural challenges, to building strategies to enable sustainable growth. And we are always working with people at the heart of what we’re doing.  

Bloom can help you with a wide range of small and developing business challenges, from the specific to the strategic:

  • Reviewing existing contracts and policies

  • Writing needed policies and contracts

  • Reviewing practices in the business towards sustainable growth

  • Working strategically on specific challenges, like addressing cultural or behavioural issues

  • Developing a fair promotional process

We are always keen to develop new support services, so if what you need isn’t listed here please don’t hesitate to get in touch.